Love You. Mean it!

[Original post 4.7.2020]

It’s a new week y’all! The weather is great and I’m feeling creative so let’s jump in shall we 😎

I came across this post: 

It made me do some serious reflection. (Especially being a week from turning thirty.) After all the dark days and seasons of depression I’ve overcome, I never stopped to think about what I love about myself. 

Most days it was hard to even like myself, so stating what I loved about myself would’ve been damn near impossible.

Since I’m in the birthday spirit, I decided to sit and make a list. (I love a good list y’all!) I wanted to come up with a list of thirty things I love about myself. Let me just say, it was hard as hell!!

Here’s my list :

In compiling my list, I realized how important it is to love my exterior as much as I love my interior. I’ve truthfully always had self-esteem issues. My younger sister has a beautiful shape, a dimple, smooth brown skin, beautiful hair, and she’s tall!! Meanwhile it’s taken me years to gain weight(now I want to lose a little, how ironic right?!), find a good skincare routine for my acne, and learn to love my very thick hair and less-than 5ft stature.

The point I’m getting at is this: If you had to make a list of 30 things you love about yourself, could you? Would they all be exterior traits? Would your list be equally balanced between interior and exterior?

That’s my challenge for you. Write down a list of 30 things that make you go, “I’m dope as hell!” afterwards. 

Because guess what?! YOU ARE DOPE AS HELL! (In case you haven’t realized it yet.)

Until next time; Be You. Do You. LOVE YOU 💜


Manifesting Greatness


Take Time To Blossom