Take Time To Blossom

[Original post 4.4.2020]

Hey friends!!! Happy weekend 875 of quarantine!! Hope this finds you with clean hands and a clean ass since there’s never any paper towels or toilet paper in the stores.

Now, let’s get straight to business shall we?!

Lately I had been feeling a little discouraged about blogging honestly. I felt like since I stopped writing about my miscarriage and all the pain I was harboring, people stopped reading. Was it because my pain was no longer on display and misery likes company? Was it because I just suck at writing? Did I need better topics? (BTW, my comments / email / messages are always open for good topic ideas.)

Well, yesterday a girl from my hometown sent me a snap that said this:

It made me smile honestly. I usually don’t participate in these challenges but I decided to do this one. I sent it to 20 ladies and 18 of them sent me pics back. One in particular I ended up holding a conversation with and let me just tell y’all, SHE MADE MY DAY!!! I swear God used her to give me confirmation that I need to keep writing, keep spreading positivity, and just keep going harder.

You see, sometimes we lose our passion because we feel like we aren’t reaching people. We feel like we’re trying so hard to be good people, uplift people, spread love, and change the narrative for others, but it seems to be overlooked. (Not that you should be doing it for the attention, but most people just want to know that they’re making a difference in at least one persons life.)

Up until age 16 or so, I always said I was going to be a teacher. I wanted to be a teacher not only because I love kids, but because teachers meant so much to me growing up. I was blessed to always have great teachers who cared about me.(Shoutout to Mrs. Harlin, Mrs. Judd, Mrs. Helwick, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Fiore, Miss K, Mr. Young, & Dodson.) I was always a smart kid and they always pushed me to be greater. They cared.I wanted to be the teacher that cared about the students. I wanted teaching to be a lifestyle, not just a job.

Once I got to college, I figured out that I could teach people AND show them that I cared through my writing. I found my passion. I figured out how I was going to change the world: with my words.

So looking at my stats lately and seeing my views being drastically less, it hurt. I thought, “maybe I was just suppose to write through the pain and then be done”, but God told me otherwise yesterday. To know that I have at least one person who looks to my posts / words / re-posts for encouragement, that’s all I need. My girl Ariel from the On Muvas podcast said it best in episode 5: “If I can help 5 girls from my hometown, I’m good.” and that’s what I want of my legacy too.

Big influences are cool, but the small ones will always be more meaningful and impactful in my opinion. Think about it, most things start out small. So if you were feeling discouraged like me, just know these three things:

  1. You are seen.

  2. You are fulfilling your purpose.

  3. Keep going as long as your passion is still burning inside you.


Until next time; Be You. Do You. LOVE YOU 💜


Love You. Mean it!


Fresh Air