Unlikely Bonds

[Original post 3.8.2020]

Happy Sunday friends! Daylight savings time has begun and ya girl is OVERJOYED! Sunshine just does something good to my soul. In the spirit of International Women’s Day, I thought I’d talk about something else that does something good to my soul; building meaningful bonds with people

When it comes to social media platforms, I’m sure most of us have a social media best friend (SMBFF). If not, I suggest you expand your followers / friends list and find one because the shit is dope! 

I have a couple of them but I have one person in particular that I refer to as my SMBFF. It’s actually funny because we went to the same college, saw each other at all the black parties and events (we went to a PWI), but we never hung out. 

In most recent years we’ve found ourselves sharing, liking, commenting on almost everything each other would post. Then she reached out to me a couple months ago and asked if I would like to collaborate on a blog post with her about miscarriages and relationships.

Of course I said yes because 1) I look up to her as writer and 2) she’s my SMBFF so I knew it would be a dope experience. We worked on it for over a month and it definitely turned out dope. You can read it here.

Over the years I’ve become more introverted but I find it so fascinating how my spirit willingly opens up to some people and the amazing bonds that have produced from them as a result. I know we live in a world where it seems like no one trusts anyone else these days, but I say take chances. 

That person who has RBF (resting bitch face for those of you who are unfamiliar) probably has the prettiest smile and the biggest heart. The person who seems super shy and quiet probably has the best stories and ideas. 

Far too often we misjudge people based off of what they look like or what we’ve heard. Sometimes we need to experience people for ourselves. (Not all the time. Some people are just not good for your spirit and need to be left the hell alone.)

I’m challenging you to reach out to people more. Ultimately what you put out into the universe is what will come back to you. So put out good shit! If someone seems to be going through something you’ve went through, reach out and tell them you understand. Give them tips and encouragement on how you overcame it. If someone looks cute in their picture on Instagram, double tap that shit! Not everyone knows how to self-validate and needs a little boost some times.

Plain and simple: People need other people.

So try to build bonds with people whenever you can. Leave a positive impression on their heart & soul. We all just need a couple more connections and a little more love.

Until next time; Be You. Do You. LOVE YOU💜


Fresh Air


Are You Living Life or Just Building One?