It’s Not You, It’s Me- Breakup With 2021
[Original post 12.31.2021]
Hey y’all!! Did ya miss me?
I know… it’s been a while… but let me explain. 2021 has been a W I L D ride.
Long story short— I needed some time to get my shit together. (I know, I say this often.. but I’m a work in progress so I’m always trying to get my shit together in some aspect!) Every time I wanted to write, my brain said “Nah ✋🏽” and then more shit would happen.
I crushed 4 major goals this year; graduating college, getting my own place, getting a new car, and finally getting my credit back in the 700’s. *Pats self on the back*
Other than that though, it’s been one hell of a year emotionally and physically. I had to cut ties with some folks, went through a lot of isolation, made a decision to go back to therapy (finally have a WOC therapist and I couldn’t possibly love her more!), had to relearn my role in some people’s lives, and went through another miscarriage recently (here’s to more healing).
I received this as my daily inspirational quote today and it couldn’t be more fitting to end 2021 with:
Throughout everything this year, I kept going. I may have stumbled often and there were definitely times that I PLEADED with God because I just knew I was going to break— but in those moments I would quickly be reminded of my favorite verse; Matthew 17.20 ..all I needed was faith of a mustardseed. Whenever I couldn’t find the faith inside of me, one of my friends would supply me with it. (Shoutout to Farrah, Ty, Maia, & Quadaé just to name a few.)
I learned A LOT this last 365. One of the main lessons I learned— When to choose me and do it unapologetically!
This next year is all about applying the lessons I’ve learned AND continuing to learn along the way— because let’s face it, if you’re not learning anything new, you’re not growing… & I’m all about growing and glowing baby!! I’m going to be walking in my purpose more. Sure, there will be days that I’ll just be surviving, but I plan to be thriving more than anything.
Everything that I want, wants me just as bad— because I am divine and I am equipped with everything I need. Guess what though?! SO ARE YOU!!! We just gotta take a little extra time to tap into that shit sometimes though.
So here’s to another year:
Let us become more aware of when we need to be gentle with ourselves, when we need to push ourselves harder, and when it’s okay to walk away from things/places/people that no longer align with the path that we’re on.
Oh!! Remember, “No” is a full ass sentence!
I promise, I’ll keep in touch more this coming year. I mean it!!
Until next time; Be YOU. Do YOU. LOVE YOU 💜