This is For You.

[Original post 5.13.2021]

Today, I completed a HUGE goal! I graduated college.

God has an interesting sense of humor. You see, on May 13, 2013 I walked across the stage at George Mason University. Unfortunately, I failed my summer courses and never got my degree. I went back in 2015 and failed half of my classes. So many people thought I had actually graduated and I was so embarrassed to tell people the truth. Last year when I turned 30, I told myself, “It’s now or never. Let’s do this!” So I did! Now on May 13, 2021 I walked across the stage for good this time. (Ya girl passed all her classes 🙌🏽)

At the tender age of 31 I now have a Bachelors in Communication with a concentration in journalism and a minor in English. My price just went up baby 🙂

Now, I’m not saying all this to simply boast about my accomplishment, but more as a testimony. You see…I’ve lived in hotels and shelters, I’ve gone hungry, I’ve lost the only grandparent I ever knew, I’ve had my utilities shut off, I’ve miscarried, I lost my father to the system a few times.. but I’ve also been carried by my faith throughout all the good and bad! (All it takes is the faith of a Mustardseed!)

In life, there are SO many peaks and valleys. Some things we never get over, we just get through them. Some things break us down to the point where we’re a shell of the person we once knew, so that we can rebuild into someone greater.

Between 2015 & now, I had been broken down to the point where I questioned my life… but God is merciful and He will always turn a mess into a masterpiece if you let Him!

If you’re feeling down and out.. if you’re questioning your purpose.. if you’re frustrated because you’re not where you think you should be in life.. if you’re upset because you keep failing at things: THIS IS FOR YOU! This post is for you. My degree is for you! You can do/ accomplish whatever it is you have your mind set on. You’re going to live the life you dream. You just can’t give up!

To my grandma and Uncle Billy in heaven: I kept my promise. I said I would get my degree and thanks to Brandon I was able to carry you across the stage with me. 

To everyone who has been with me on this journey: THANK YOU! Especially those closest to me who have always spoken life into me and never judged me during my journey. (My parents, B, Moma Lisa, Mustardseed, Ty, Tye, my chicas, my big sissy & Dr. Wright to name a few💜I did it & I couldn’t have done it without your constant encouragement!

Until next time; Be YOU. Do YOU. LOVE YOU 💜


It’s Not You, It’s Me- Breakup With 2021

