Brown Sugar + Sazon

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A Year & A Day Later

[Original post 12.29.2019]

You see that Alex & Ani bracelet? I got it as a birthday gift this year from one of my best friends. It's a guardian angel that represents my baby that I miscarried.

Exactly a year and a day ago, I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive. My heart stopped for a moment, I smiled, placed my hands on my stomach and said, "I prayed for you". I often replay that moment in my mind. It use to make me sad but now I'm just happy that I had that joyous experience.

I just knew that I would be enjoying my first Christmas as a mom this year. God's plan isn't always our plan though. It took me almost all of 2019 to accept that. You can plan all you want to (and it's honestly good to be prepared), but you have to be able to go with the flow too.

The whole point of this short post is to say:

So much can change in a year.

I'm definitely not where I thought I'd be, but I'm glad I'm not where I was. My boyfriend and I weren't in the best place when I found out I was pregnant. Truthfully, I was contemplating breaking up with him and moving out. From the moment I told him I was pregnant, we began to grow together and work on our issues. We may not have our baby with us, but we have a much more solid foundation for the next baby (or babies) that we get blessed with.

Don't fixate so much on the goals you want to see yourself accomplishing in the next year, but try to fixate more on the journey you'll take to get there. You want better credit, cool. Fixate on the little steps it takes to get it. You want to lose weight, great. Fixate on daily changes that will help you do so.

The bottom line is this: life happens whether you want it to or not, and it usually doesn't happen how we want it to.

So here are my tips to make life a little easier for yourself -

For every big goal, set a smaller one.

Take more naps! Sometimes you just need rest.

Try to step out of your comfort zone once a month.

Treat yourself often. (I suggest small treats so you don't end up broke lol)

Make yourself look good for YOU. No one else.


Until next time; Be YOU. Do YOU. LOVE YOU💜